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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240192 .

Study on remote pharmacovigilance examination process for drug marketing authorization holders

作者: 田慧娜1 *, 刘美香2, 蔡慧玲1, 郭岩1, 尹利丹1

1 山东丹红制药有限公司 山东菏泽

2 山东康爱制药有限公司 山东菏泽

*通讯作者: 田慧娜,单位: 山东丹红制药有限公司 山东菏泽;

引用本文: 田慧娜, 刘美香, 蔡慧玲, 郭岩, 尹利丹 药品上市许可持有人药物警戒远程检查流程探索研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (5) : 99-102.
Published: 2024/5/20 11:01:50



关键词: 药品上市许可持有人;药物警戒;远程检查;持有人;监管流程


With the rapid development of information technology, remote inspection, as a new regulatory means, plays an increasingly important role in the pharmacovigilance system of drug marketing authorization holders. This paper focuses on the holder and deeply discusses the remote inspection process of pharmacovigilance for the holder of drug marketing authorization. This paper first introduces the concept, application background and necessity of remote inspection. Then it elaborates the specific links of the remote inspection process, including the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the follow-up treatment stage. Then, through the concrete case analysis, the advantages and challenges of remote inspection in the practical application of holders are revealed. Finally, the corresponding improvement suggestions are put forward in view of the existing problems. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for the implementation of pharmacovigilance remote inspection, and to promote the modernization, information and high efficiency of drug supervision.

Key words: Drug marketing authorization holder; Pharmacovigilance; Remote inspection; The holder; Supervision process

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