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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240181 .

Analysis of the principles and control measures for the reasonable use of antibiotics in community hospitals

作者: 李洋, 范纪锋 *

上海市松江区洞泾镇社区卫生服务中心 上海

*通讯作者: 范纪锋,单位:上海市松江区洞泾镇社区卫生服务中心 上海;

引用本文: 李洋, 范纪锋 社区医院抗菌药物合理使用原则与控制措施分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (5) : 75-77.
Published: 2024/5/20 10:32:07


目的 论社区医院抗菌药物的应用情况和存在的问题,提出抗菌药物的合理使用原则以及控制的措施。方法 选择我院2022年3月到2024年3月门诊管理系统中抽取500份抗菌药物处方和患者病历,对处方中的抗菌药物使用进行分析,以调查其用药的合理性,对抗菌药物的用药进行评价,并在此基础上提出相应的控制措施。结果 500份抗菌药物处方不合理的用药主要表现为无指征用药、联合用药不当、给药方式不正确、疗程不合适以及品种选择不当。社区医院的抗菌药物合理应用面临的主要问题包括医师临床用药经验不足、医院抗菌药物制度不完善、患者自身正确用药意识较差等。结论 需要加强监管并确立社区医院抗菌药物应用的基本原则,同时加强临床医师用药的监管工作;制定社区抗菌药物使用基本准则,确定抗菌药物适用条件,重点关注常见病抗菌药物的管理;建立基本抗菌药物宣教流程,指导患者正确用药。

关键词: 合理用药;抗菌药物;社区医院


Objective On the application and existing problems of antibiotics in community hospitals, propose the principles of rational use of antibiotics and control measures.
Methods Select 500 outpatient antibacterial drug prescriptions and patient medical records from our outpatient management system from March 2022 to March 2024, analyze the use of antibiotics in the prescriptions, investigate the rationality of their use, evaluate the use of antibiotics, and propose corresponding control measures based on this.
Results The irrational use of 500 prescriptions of antibacterial drugs was mainly manifested in the use of drugs without indications, improper combination of drugs, incorrect mode of administration, inappropriate course of treatment and improper selection of varieties. The main problems faced by the rational use of antibiotics in community hospitals include the lack of clinical medication experience of doctors, the imperfection of the hospital antimicrobial drug system, and the poor awareness of patients' accurate medication.
Conclusion   it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and establish the basic principles of the application of antibiotics in community hospitals, and strengthen the supervision of the use of antibiotics by clinicians; Formulate the basic guidelines for the use of antibiotics in the community, determine the application conditions of antibiotics, and focus on the management of antibiotics for common diseases; To establish the process of basic antibacterial drug publicity and education, and guide patients to use drugs correctly.

Key words: Reasonable medication; Antibacterial drugs; Community hospitals

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