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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240176 .

Progress in the application of artificial intelligence to the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma

作者: 张彬1, 汪建涛2 *

1 暨南大学第二临床医学院 广东深圳

2 深圳市眼科医院 广东深圳

*通讯作者: 汪建涛,单位: 深圳市眼科医院 广东深圳;

引用本文: 张彬, 汪建涛 人工智能应用于青光眼诊疗中的研究进展[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (5) : 58-61.
Published: 2024/5/20 10:00:02



关键词: 人工智能(AI);青光眼;诊疗


In today's digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) has developed rapidly in various fields around the world, becoming an important force leading reform and innovation in various industries. AI has promoted the development of AI ophthalmology and provided a new model for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Glaucoma is a common irreversible blinding eye disease. Its early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the development of the disease to a certain extent, improve the prognosis of patients, and reduce the global blinding rate. Starting from the direction of AI, this paper reviews its related research and application in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, aiming to provide new ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma by AI.

Key words: Artificial intelligence (AI); Glaucoma; Diagnosis and treatment

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