Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240105 .
总浏览量: 245
中部战区空军医院门诊部 山西大同
*通讯作者: 田敏,单位:中部战区空军医院门诊部 山西大同;
目的 分析导致门诊护理出现投诉事件的原因,并提出相应的解决策略。方法 回顾性分析2020年1月—2022年1月我院门诊处收到的60例门诊护理投诉事件,归纳导致投诉发生的原因,并结合医院门诊的实际情况讨论得出相应的解决对策。结果 60例门诊护理投诉中,致使投诉事件发生的原因主要是护患之间沟通存在障碍,在总投诉原因中占58.3%。结论 提高门诊护理质量的关键因素在于促进护患之间有效沟通,医院门诊需要对所有护理投诉事件进行统计分析,找出投诉的关键原因,然后结合医院的实际护理工作,提出优化措施,预防门诊护理投诉的发生,促进护患关系和谐发展。
Objective To analyze the causes of complaints in outpatient care and put forward corresponding solution strategies. Methods Retrospectively analyzed 60 cases of outpatient nursing complaints received by the outpatient department of our hospital from January 2020 to January 2022, summarized the causes of the complaints, and discussed the actual situation of the outpatient department of the hospital. Results Among the 60 outpatient nursing complaints, the complaints were mainly due to the communication barriers between nurses and patients, accounting for 58.3% of the total complaints. Conclusion the key factor to improve the quality of outpatient care is to promote effective communication between nurses, hospital outpatient nursing complaints to statistical analysis, find out the key cause of the complaints, and then combining the actual hospital nursing work, optimization measures to prevent the occurrence of outpatient nursing complaints, promote the harmonious development of the relationship between nurses and patients.
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