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International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240015 .

Study on "course ideology and politics" in curriculum for high school foreign language teaching under the background of Sino-foreign cooperative education

作者: 曲方圆 *

德国明斯特大学日耳曼语言文学系 德国明斯特

*通讯作者: 曲方圆,单位:德国明斯特大学日耳曼语言文学系 德国明斯特;

引用本文: 曲方圆 中外合作办学背景下高校外语教学“课程思政”研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2024; 6: (1) : 48-52.
Published: 2024/6/4 17:44:06


现代外语课堂重视的不仅是语言习得,更强调语言是认识多样文化的工具。外语教学在传播外来文化的同时,也挑战着学生对本国文化的认知。鉴于这种形势,反思当前中外合作办学的高校外语教学主要存在以下几点问题:一是语言教学目标重于教育目标; 二是缺乏成熟的外语类“课程思政”教学体系;三是尚未建立完整科学的评价反馈机制。为实现语言课程与思想政治理论课协同育人,课程思政教学改革应从课堂教学入手,发掘和运用外语课程中蕴含的思政元素,创新教学设计,教学与教育目标并行,以增强当代大学生对本土文化的认同感,治愈“中国文化失语症”,培养中国文化自信,巩固中国文化安全。

关键词: 中外合作;外语教学;课程思政;文化失语;文化自信


Modern foreign language classrooms emphasize not only language acquisition, but also language as a tool for understanding diverse cultures. While spreading foreign culture, foreign language teaching is also challenging students' cognition of their native culture. In view of this situation, a reflection on the current high school foreign language teaching in Sino-foreign cooperative education shows the following problems: one is that the language teaching goal has been laid more importance than the education goal; the second is the lack of a mature foreign language curriculum ideological and political teaching system; the third is that a complete and scientific evaluating and feedback system has not been established. Evaluation feedback mechanism. In order to realize the collaborative education of language courses and ideological and political theory courses, curriculum ideological and political teaching reform should start with classroom teaching, explore and use the ideological and political elements contained in foreign language courses, innovate teaching design, and parallel teaching and education goals to enhance contemporary college students a sense of identity with the local culture, cure the "Chinese cultural aphasia", cultivate the self-confidence of the Chinese culture, and consolidate the safety of the Chinese culture.

Key words: Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education; foreign language teaching; curriculum ideology and politics; cultural aphasia; cultural self-confidence

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