International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240081 .
总浏览量: 363
1 博仁大学中文国际学院 拉克西曼谷泰国
2 滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州
*通讯作者: 吴晓,单位: 博仁大学中文国际学院 拉克西曼谷泰国 滨州职业学院基础护理教研室 山东滨州;
目的 研究护理实习生临床实习中应用加强护理核心制度教育管理效果。方法 选择滨州市人民医院2022年1月-2022年12月参与实习的50名护理实习生作为研究对象,“随机取样法”分基础组(常规带教管理)、加强组(加强护理核心制度教育管理)各25名,两组管理效果比较。结果 管理前分析管理质量、职业认同感无差异,P>0.05;管理后较基础组,加强组护理质量评分更高;职业认同感评分更高;MQIN评分更高;加强组满意率(96.00%)高于基础组(76.00%),P<0.05。结论 加强护理核心制度教育管理可提高护理实习生的管理质量、职业认同感,优化心理素质、获得实习生认可满意,值得推崇。
Objective To study the effect of strengthening nursing core system education management in clinical practice of nursing interns. Methods A total of 50 nursing interns from Binzhou People's Hospital from January 2022 to December 2022 were selected as the research objects, and the "random sampling method" was divided into basic group (routine teaching management) and intensive group (strengthening education management of core nursing system), with 25 in each group. The management effects of the two groups were compared. Results There was no difference in management quality and professional identity before management analysis, P>0.05; After management, the nursing quality score of the intensive group was higher than that of the basic group. The professional identity score is higher; MQIN score is higher; The satisfaction rate of enhanced group (96.00%) was higher than that of basic group (76.00%), P<0.05. Conclusion Strengthening the education management of the nursing core system can improve the management quality and professional identity of nursing interns, optimize their psychological quality, and obtain the recognition and satisfaction of interns.
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