Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240059 .
总浏览量: 212
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第900医院 福建福州
*通讯作者: 杨门,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第900医院 福建福州;
目的 本文评价高龄妇女实施辅助生殖技术的护理干预效果,旨在推进此领域研究发展进程,为临床提供有价值参考依据,更好的满足广大妇女相关需求。方法 研究期限拟定为2022年5月至2023年5月,实验以对照形式展开,将100例院内接受体外受精-胚胎移植辅助治疗的高龄妇女设为研究对象,按照干预方案的不同,采用平行序贯法将其均衡分至两组,每组划入人数为50例,分别命名为参照组与研究组,前者提供常规干预策略,后者实施全面护理干预策略,最后针对相关数据进行收集整理、统计分析、整合比对,做全情阐述。具体数据包含:获卵数、周期取消率、优胚率、妊娠率、不良情绪改善情况,采用t检测(正态计量数据);采用χ2检验(计数资料);计算均数以()代替。结果 对比发现,研究组采纳方案更具可实施性,各项指标数值体现均显优参照组,P值达小于0.05标准,值得探讨。结论 在本次研究中,有针对性的对护理干预在高龄妇女接受辅助生殖技术中的应用价值展开分析研讨,不仅能够为临床提供理论与实践依据,还可令何种干预策略的优势性更强充分显露,最终为广大妇女提高更完善的护理服务,改善其不良心理状态,值得肯定与赞赏,采纳与推崇。
Objective: This paper evaluates the effect of nursing intervention of assisted reproductive technology for elderly women, and aims to promote the development process of research in this field, provide valuable reference for clinical practice, and better meet the needs of the majority of women. Methods: study period for May 2022 to May 2023, the experiment in the form of control, 100 hospital in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer adjuvant treatment of elderly women as the research object, according to the different intervention scheme, the parallel sequential method of its equilibrium to two groups, each group into number of 50 cases, respectively named the reference group and research group, the former provide conventional intervention strategy, the implementation of comprehensive nursing intervention strategy, finally for relevant data collection, statistical analysis, integration, do all. Specific data include: number of eggs obtained, cycle cancellation rate, optimal embryo rate, pregnancy rate and bad mood improvement, using t test (normal measurement data); χ2 test (count data); calculating mean replaced by (). Results: By comparison, it is found that the research group is more feasible, and the values of all indicators are excellent in the reference group, and the P value is less than 0.05 standard, which is worth discussing. Conclusion : in this study, targeted to nursing intervention in older women accept the application value of assisted reproductive technology analysis, not only can provide clinical theoretical and practical basis, can also make what kind of intervention strategy advantage more fully revealed, eventually improve the better nursing services for women, improve their bad psychological state, worthy of affirmation and praise, adopt and praise.
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