International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2024; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijme.20240008 .
总浏览量: 1136
长江大学 湖北荆州
*通讯作者: 王启,单位:长江大学 湖北荆州;
Bionics, as a science that studies the structure, function, behaviour and interaction of biological systems, shows great potential for innovative applications in the field of mechanical manufacturing. With the rapid development of science and technology, the machinery manufacturing industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The introduction of bionics provides new ideas and methods for mechanical manufacturing, helps to solve the problems in traditional mechanical manufacturing, and promotes the transformation and upgrading of mechanical manufacturing industry. According to statistics, in recent years, the application cases of bionics in the field of mechanical manufacturing have been growing year by year, and the fields involved are becoming more and more extensive. For example, the application of bionic mechanical arm in industrial automated production line not only improves the production efficiency, but also reduces the labour cost. In addition, the application of bionic materials in precision mechanical parts has also achieved remarkable results, improving the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of parts. These successful cases fully demonstrate the innovative application and broad prospects of bionics in mechanical manufacturing. The future application of bionics in the field of mechanical manufacturing will be more in-depth and extensive.
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