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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240053 .

A case based on the "Internet +" platform nipple malformation milk swelling maternal continuity care management

作者: 欧阳江丽 *, 帅文君, 梁秋霞, 黄悦, 殷彩欣

广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心 广东广州

*通讯作者: 欧阳江丽,单位:广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心 广东广州;


引用本文: 欧阳江丽, 帅文君, 梁秋霞, 黄悦, 殷彩欣 一例基于“互联网+”平台乳头畸形奶涨产妇延续性护理管理[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2024; 6: (3) : 1-6.
Published: 2024/3/29 17:59:28


目的 总结一例基于“互联网+”平台的乳头畸形奶涨产妇延续性护理的个案管理经验,研发适合产后乳腺保健护理上门服务的科学评估工具及效果核查表。方法 主要通过绘制人形图,以整体的“人”引导护理过程,采用产后母乳喂养知识问卷对产妇及家属进行评估,上门服务期间采用叙事护理方法进行体验访谈,并以马斯洛需求层次理论为根据,根据量表评估及访谈结果,分析总结产妇存在的需求,制定个性化产后乳房保健的上门延续性管理方案。有针对性地提供相应的护理措施,后期通过互联网平台推送个性化疾病宣教。结果 经过“互联网+”平台的延续护理管理,产妇产后5天解除肿痛危机,每日泌乳量达500毫升;产妇及家属母乳喂养知识评分由服务前的5分提高到服务后13分;制定了适合互联网上门服务的规范化评估工具及效果核查表。结论 以医院主导的“互联网+”平台在乳头畸形奶涨产妇延续性的个案护理管理中,发挥着积极的作用,能改善产妇及家属的生活质量,提高产妇及家属的体验度,值得临床推广应用。

关键词: 生理性奶涨;乳头畸形;互联网+;延续性护理;叙事护理


Objective To summarize a case management experience of continuous nursing for pregnant women with malformed breast milk based on the "Internet +" platform, and develop a scientific evaluation tool and effect verification table suitable for postpartum breast health care home service.
Methods The humanoid map was drawn to guide the nursing process with the overall "person", the postpartum breastfeeding knowledge questionnaire was used to evaluate the mothers and their families, and the narrative nursing method was used to conduct experience interviews during the on-site service. The needs of the mothers were analyzed and summarized according to the scale evaluation and interview results based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Develop individualized on-site continuous management programs for postpartum breast care. Provide corresponding nursing measures in a targeted manner, and push personalized disease education through the Internet platform in the later stage.
Results After the continuous nursing management of "Internet +" platform, the swelling and pain crisis was relieved 5 days after delivery, and the daily milk output reached 500 ml; The score of maternal and family breastfeeding knowledge increased from 5 points before service to 13 points after service; A standardized evaluation tool and effect verification table suitable for Internet door-to-door service are developed.
Conclusion   The hospital-led "Internet +" platform plays a positive role in the continuous case nursing management of pregnant women with malformed milk, which can improve the quality of life and experience of pregnant women and their families, and is worthy of clinical promotion and application.

Key words: Physiological breast augmentation; Nipple malformation; internet plus; Continuous nursing; Narrative nursing

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