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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240128 .

Therapeutic effect of fascia release with knife-edge needle on pain after strained rotator cuff injury

作者: 谢辉, 郭亮 *

重庆市中医骨科医院 重庆

*通讯作者: 郭亮,单位:重庆市中医骨科医院 重庆;

引用本文: 谢辉, 郭亮 刃针筋膜松解治疗劳损性肩袖损伤后疼痛的疗效观察[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (3) : 157-159.
Published: 2024/3/28 10:39:21


目的 在对劳损性肩袖损伤后疼痛患者治疗过程中以改善其肩关节活动度,提升疗效、降低复发率为目的,探究采用刃针筋膜松解治疗方案的有效性、实施性。方法 于本院2021.年1月—2023年1月期间择劳损性肩袖损伤后疼痛患者共计68例,按照就诊先后顺序分为两组各34名研究目标,在本次研究的过程中,整合分析两组不同治疗方案的效果。结果 经对比研究数据可发现,实验组整体综合疗效显现一定优势,该组患者肩关节活动度、VAS及UCLA和CMS评分、5-HT和PGE2 水平等相关指标均优于参照组,同时复发率显著降低,上述指标对比结果均有差异性,P值均<0.05。结论 对劳损性肩袖损伤后疼痛患者采用刃针筋膜松解治疗方案,可一定程度缓解患者肩关节疼痛感,以改善其肩关节活动度,促进其功能的尽快恢复,且未见明显副作用,治疗安全性有保障。

关键词: 刃针筋膜松解治疗;劳损性肩袖损伤后疼痛;疗效观察


Objective To explore the effectiveness and practicability of blading fascia release therapy in the treatment of pain patients with strained rotator cuff injury with the purpose of improving their shoulder joint motion, enhancing curative effect and reducing recurrence rate.
Methods A total of 68 patients with pain after rotator cuff injury were selected in a hospital from January 2021 to January 2023, and they were divided into two groups with 34 subjects in each group according to the order of treatment. In the course of this study, the effects of different treatment schemes in the two groups were integrated and analyzed.
Results The comparative study data showed that the overall comprehensive curative effect of the experimental group showed some advantages. The shoulder joint motion, VAS, UCLA and CMS scores, 5-HT and PGE2 levels and other related indicators in the group were better than those in the reference group, and the recurrence rate was significantly reduced. There were differences in the comparison results of the above indicators, with P values < 0.05.
Conclusion   For patients with pain after strained rotator cuff injury, acupuncture fascia release can relieve shoulder pain to a certain extent, improve shoulder motion and promote the recovery of function as soon as possible, and there are no obvious side effects, and the treatment safety is guaranteed.

Key words: Fasciolysis therapy; Pain after strained rotator cuff injury; Curative effect observation

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