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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240126 .

Comparative study of MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasonography in the clinical diagnosis of rotator cuff injury

作者: 张轩昂 *

江苏省新沂市中医医院 江苏新沂

*通讯作者: 张轩昂,单位:江苏省新沂市中医医院 江苏新沂;

引用本文: 张轩昂 MRI和肌骨超声检查对肩袖损伤临床诊断显效性的对比研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (3) : 150-153.
Published: 2024/3/28 10:34:38


目的 对比分析在肩袖损伤临床诊断中应用MRI与肌骨超声检查效果。方法 选取新沂市中医医院骨科收治的50例疑似肩袖损伤患者,均给予肌骨超声检查与MRI检查,并对比两种检查方法诊断效能。结果 关节镜检查检出率为96.00%,而高频肌骨超声检出率与MRI检出率对比差异(P>0.05),同时,两种检查方式的诊断效能方面对比(P>0.05)。结论 在肩袖损伤临床诊断中,MRI检查与肌骨超声检查均具有较好诊断效能,但肌骨超声检查在诊断费用、检查操作方面比MRI检查更具有优势,是临床诊断首先检查方式,应用价值较高。

关键词: 肩袖损伤;高频超声;MRI;诊断效能;检出率


Objective To compare and analyze the effect of MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasound in the clinical diagnosis of rotator cuff injury.
Methods 50 patients with suspected rotator cuff injury were selected from the Department of Orthopedics of Xinyi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and all of them were given musculoskeletal ultrasonography and MRI.
Results The detection rate of arthroscopy was 96.00%, and the detection rate of high frequency musculoskeletal ultrasound was different from that of MRI (P > 0.05). At the same time, the diagnostic efficacy of the two methods was compared (P > 0.05).
Conclusion   In the clinical diagnosis of rotator cuff injury, both MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasonography have better diagnostic efficacy, but musculoskeletal ultrasonography has more advantages than MRI in terms of diagnostic cost and inspection operation, and is the first inspection method in clinical diagnosis, with high application value.

Key words: Rotator cuff injury; High-frequency ultrasound; MRI; Diagnostic effectiveness; Detection rate

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