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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240042 .

Clinical value analysis of frozen section pathological diagnosis of thyroid cancer

作者: 李思思1, 刘玉兰2, 陈仕高2, 胡婕2, 张帅君1 *

1 四川大学华西第二医院出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室 四川成都

2 成都医学院第二附属医院·核工业四一六医院 四川成都

*通讯作者: 张帅君,单位:;

引用本文: 李思思, 刘玉兰, 陈仕高, 胡婕, 张帅君 甲状腺癌冰冻切片病理诊断的临床价值分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (2) : 31-33.
Published: 2024/2/23 9:44:56


目的 分析在甲状腺癌的诊断中应用甲状腺癌冰冻切片的病理诊断价值。方法 以2021年3月-2023年3月为研究开始时段,抽选在该时段内在我院就诊的72例甲状腺癌患者为研究对象,对其病理组织部位实施冰冻切片,对甲状腺癌病理诊断类型以及准确性进行记录和分析。结果 甲状腺癌类型以乳头状癌为主,其次为滤泡癌、未分化癌,女性发病率明显高于男性,差异显著,P﹤0.05。在本组患者中,有65例患者最终确诊甲状腺癌,诊断准确率高达90.27%,存在有5例不典型误诊,2例﹥46岁以上的滤泡癌延迟诊断。结论 甲状腺癌的诊断中应用甲状腺癌冰冻切片的病理诊断有较高的检出率,癌症类型主要以乳头状癌为主,女性发病率明显较高,临床可针对诊断结果进行治疗方案的制定,尽早的对患者展开治疗。

关键词: 甲状腺癌冰冻切片;病理诊断


Objective To analyze the value of frozen section in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer.
Methods From March 2021 to March 2023, 72 patients with thyroid cancer treated in our hospital during this period were selected as the study objects, frozen sections were performed on their pathological tissue sites, and the types and accuracy of pathological diagnosis of thyroid cancer were recorded and analyzed.
Results The main thyroid cancer types were papillary carcinoma, followed by follicular carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma. The incidence of female was significantly higher than that of male (P<0.05). In this group, 65 patients were finally diagnosed with thyroid cancer, the diagnostic accuracy was as high as 90.27%, there were 5 cases of atypical misdiagnosis, and 2 cases of follicular cancer >46 years old were delayed diagnosis.
Conclusion   In the diagnosis of thyroid cancer, the pathological diagnosis of frozen section of thyroid cancer has a high detection rate. The cancer type is mainly papillary cancer, and the incidence of female cancer is significantly higher. Clinical treatment can be made according to the diagnosis results, and the patients can be treated as soon as possible.

Key words: Frozen section of thyroid cancer; Pathological diagnosis

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