Advances in International Computer Science
Advances in International Computer Science. 2023; 3: (5) ; 10.12208/j.aics.20230049 .
总浏览量: 2603
重庆大学 重庆
*通讯作者: 王诗诗,单位:重庆大学 重庆;
With the rapid development of information technology, big data analytics shows great potential in healthcare and also faces many challenges. This study reviews the opportunities of big data in enhancing the efficiency of healthcare services, promoting medical research and development, supporting public health decision-making, and optimising healthcare costs. Big data technologies are gradually changing the traditional healthcare model and advancing the industry through real-time monitoring of patients' health status, development of personalised healthcare plans, acceleration of clinical trials, and outbreak monitoring and prevention. However, challenges such as data security and privacy protection, data quality and standardisation, technical and infrastructure requirements, and legal and ethical issues need to be addressed. In response to these challenges, this paper proposes coping strategies such as strengthening data protection measures, upgrading data processing capabilities, improving technical training and infrastructure development, and actively addressing legal and ethical issues. Looking ahead, interdisciplinary and cross-industry collaboration is crucial for the sustainable development of big data in healthcare.
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