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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20241035 .

The Role of Intestinal Fungi and Viruses in Alcohol-Related Liver Disease

作者: 严胜琦, 朱清静 *

华中科技大学同济医学院附属金银潭医院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 朱清静,单位:华中科技大学同济医学院附属金银潭医院 湖北武汉;

引用本文: 严胜琦, 朱清静 肠道真菌和病毒在酒精相关性肝病的作用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (2) : 1-6.
Published: 2024/2/21 22:57:18



关键词: 酒精相关性肝病(ALD);肠道真菌;肠道病毒;肠道微生物;肠肝轴


Alcohol-related liver disease is the long-term drinking caused by liver damage disease, cause liver function abnormalities, severe can cause acute liver failure, can cause death. Most cause chronic damage to the liver, affecting people's quality of life. Therefore, the study of alcohol-related liver disease needs to be solved urgently, and its pathogenesis and prognosis are not clear. Intestinal microecology is a research hotspot in recent years. Intestinal microecology plays an important role in the occurrence and development of alcohol-related liver disease. A large number of studies have found that intestinal flora, dominated by bacteria, is related to the pathogenesis of alcohol-related liver disease. Less research has been done on intestinal fungi and viruses. In this paper, the literature on intestinal fungi and viruses and human or animal health and diseases at home and abroad was systematically collected, and the composition and distribution of intestinal fungi and enteroviruses were reviewed, as well as the relationship between intestinal fungi and enteroviruses and ALD, so as to find new therapeutic targets and provide new ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of ALD.

Key words: Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD); Intestinal fungi; Enterovirus; Gut microbes; Enterohepatic axis

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