Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (11) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000682 .
总浏览量: 248
联勤保障部队第九七〇医院 山东烟台
联勤保障部队第九七〇医院威海医疗区 山东威海
*通讯作者: 常丽,单位:联勤保障部队第九七〇医院威海医疗区 山东威海;
在现代医疗环境中,医院感染管理是保障医疗质量和患者安全的重要环节。随着医疗技术的不断进 步和医疗环境的复杂化,医院感染防控工作面临着日益严峻的挑战。为了应对这一挑战,某院积极开展感染管理 实践,并取得了一系列令人鼓舞的成果。如何健全和落实医院感染管理的各项管理制度,加强重点部门感染管理, 提高医务人员对预防和控制医院感染的认识和职业暴露的防护意识,提高应对突发公共卫生事件的应急能力,这 已成为各级卫生行政部门和医院管理者的共识。本文将重点介绍某院在感染管理方面的具体实践,探讨其所采取 的措施和取得的效果,以期为其他医疗机构提供借鉴与参考。
In modern medical environments, hospital infection management is an important link in ensuring medical quality and patient safety. With the continuous progress of medical technology and the complexity of the medical environment, hospital infection prevention and control work is facing increasingly severe challenges. In order to address this challenge, a certain hospital actively carried out infection management practices and achieved a series of encouraging results. How to improve and implement various management systems for hospital infection management, strengthen infection management in key departments, enhance the awareness of medical personnel in preventing and controlling hospital infections and occupational exposure, and enhance their emergency response capabilities to sudden public health events has become a consensus among health administrative departments and hospital managers at all levels. This article will focus on introducing the specific practices of a hospital in infection management, exploring the measures taken and the results achieved, in order to provide reference and guidance for other medical institutions.
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