International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (12) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230338 .
总浏览量: 344
西安交通大学第二附属医院 陕西西安
*通讯作者: 方小玉,单位:西安交通大学第二附属医院 陕西西安;
目的 针对护理人员的压疮护理知信行现状作出分析。方法 以电脑双盲法,选取2022年2月~2023年2月期间于本院在职的护理人员,将150名作为研究对象,根据本院自制的压疮护理知信行问卷,对护理人员展开调查。结果 护理人员的压疮护理知识得分(105.12±33.38)分,压疮护理态度得分(42.53±5.35)分,压疮护理行为得分(57.29±7.92)分;护理人员的压疮护理知识与态度、知识与行为、行为与态度均呈正相关,(p<0.05)。结论 护理人员需加强压疮新知识与新技能的学习,转变对压疮护理的负面态度,保持正向行为,促进压疮护理质量的提升。
Objective To analyze the current status of knowledge, belief, and practice in pressure ulcer nursing among nursing staff. Methods Using a double-blind computer method, 150 nursing staff who were employed in our hospital from February 2022 to February 2023 were selected as the research subjects. According to our hospital's self-made pressure ulcer nursing knowledge, belief, and practice questionnaire, a survey was conducted on nursing staff. Results The nursing staff scored (105.12 ± 33.38) points in pressure ulcer nursing knowledge, (42.53 ± 5.35) points in pressure ulcer nursing attitude, and (57.29 ± 7.92) points in pressure ulcer nursing behavior; The nursing staff's knowledge and attitude towards pressure ulcer care, knowledge and behavior, and behavior and attitude are all positively correlated (p<0.05). Conclusion Nursing staff need to strengthen their learning of new knowledge and skills related to pressure ulcers, transform their negative attitudes towards pressure ulcer care, maintain positive behaviors, and promote the improvement of pressure ulcer care quality.
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