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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (12) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230361 .

Analysis of the impact of bundled evidence-based practice strategy intervention on postoperative respiratorymanagement and infection prevention and control in patients with spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries

作者: 欧阳兆书1,2 *, 李永斌1, 唐世斌2, 黄卫华2, 唐泓1, 吴环宇1

1 湘南学院临床学院 湖南郴州

2 湖南郴州骨科医院 湖南郴州

*通讯作者: 欧阳兆书,单位: 湘南学院临床学院 湖南郴州;

引用本文: 欧阳兆书, 李永斌, 唐世斌, 黄卫华, 唐泓, 吴环宇 集束化循证实践策略干预对脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤患者术后呼吸道管理及感染防控效果的影响分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (12) : 25-28.
Published: 2023/12/28 16:51:15


目的 探讨集束化循证实践策略干预对脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤患者术后呼吸道管理及感染防控效果的影响,旨意为相关人员的研究工作提供参考资料。方法 选择2021年5月6日~2022年5月6日本院收治的116例脊柱骨折合并脊髓损伤的病患为研究样本。现按照患者的干预方式差异性,分为新式组58例、传统组58例。传统组患者接受常规干预,在此基础上,新式组接受 集束化循证实践策略干预策略,分析结果。结果 传统组呼吸道并发症发生率为 55.17%,新式组为 13.79%。和传统组相比,新式组患者干预后并发症总发生率更低,P<0.05;传统组患者干预满意率为81.03 %,新式组为 96.55%。和传统组相比,新式组患者的干预满意率更高,P<0.05;干预后,和传统组相比,新式组患者的IL-6、hs-CRP值更低,P<0.05。结论 对于需要接受手术治疗疾病的脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤患者来讲,为其开展集束化循证实践策略干预能取得满意的抗感染效果,可降低患者并发症发生率,提升干预满意率。这一方案值得进一步在临床内推广和应用。

关键词: 集束化循证实践策略;脊柱骨折;脊髓损伤;呼吸道管理;感染防控;效果分析


Objective To explore the impact of bundle based evidence-based practice intervention on postoperative respiratory management and infection prevention and control in patients with spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries, with the aim of providing reference materials for relevant personnel's research work.
Methods 116 patients with spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries admitted to our hospital from May 6th, 2021 to June 5th, 2022 were selected as the study samples. According to the differences in patient intervention methods, there are 58 cases in the new group and 58 cases in the traditional group. The traditional group of patients received routine intervention, and on this basis, the new group received a bundled evidence-based practice strategy intervention strategy to analyze the results.
Results The incidence of respiratory complications in the traditional group was 55.17%, while in the new group it was 13.79%. Compared with the traditional group, the new group had a lower overall incidence of complications after intervention, with P<0.05; The satisfaction rate of intervention for patients in the traditional group was 81.03%, while in the new group it was 96.55%. Compared with the traditional group, the intervention satisfaction rate of patients in the new group was higher, P<0.05; After intervention, compared with the traditional group, the IL-6 and hs CRP values in the new group were lower, with P<0.05.
Conclusion   For patients with spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries who require surgical treatment, implementing a bundled evidence-based practice strategy intervention can achieve satisfactory anti infection effects, reduce the incidence of complications, and improve intervention satisfaction. This plan is worthy of further promotion and application in clinical practice.

Key words: Bundled evidence-based practice strategy; Spinal fractures; Spinal cord injury; Respiratory management; Infection prevention and control; Effect analysis

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