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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine

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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (10) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000643 .

Construction and application of the bed management mode of general ward based on SHEP mode
基于 SHEP 模式的综合病房床位管理模式构建与应用

作者: 习春杨 *, 雷岸江, 游华轩

四川大学华西第二医院生殖综合病房/四川大学华西护理学院 出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室 成都四川

*通讯作者: 习春杨,单位:四川大学华西第二医院生殖综合病房/四川大学华西护理学院 出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室 成都四川;

引用本文: 习春杨, 雷岸江, 游华轩 基于 SHEP 模式的综合病房床位管理模式构建与应用[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (10) : 148-150.
Published: 2023/11/15 15:49:05


目的 应用 SHEP 模式对综合病房的床位管理模式进行优化,保障临床安全。方法 利用品管圈的方 法,基于 SHEP 模式,构建综合病房的床位管理模式并应用。结果 运用优化后的床位管理模式,患者满意度从 67.55 分上升至 85.75 分,医护人员满意度从 68.41 分上升为 86.29 分,转床率从 14.7%下降至 2.86%,不良事件 发生率从 4.8%下降至 0.2%。结论 基于 SHEP 模式的综合病房床位管理模式,有助于提升患者体验,降低不良事 件发生率,提高临床护理质量。

关键词: SHEP 模式;品管圈;床位管理


Objective To optimize the bed management mode of general wards by applying SHEP model to ensure clinical safety.
Methods By using the method of quality control circle, the bed management mode of the general ward based on the SHEP model was constructed and applied.
Results Using the optimized bed management model, patient satisfaction increased from 67.55 points to 85.75 points, medical staff satisfaction increased from 68.41 points to 86.29 points, bed transfer rate decreased from 14.7% to 2.86%, and the incidence of adverse events decreased from 4.8% to 0.2%.
Conclusion   The bed management mode of general ward based on SHEP mode is helpful to improve the patient experience, reduce the incidence of adverse events and improve the quality of clinical nursing.

Key words: SHEP mode ; quality control circle ; bed management

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