Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (10) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000640 .
总浏览量: 357
聊城市第二人民医院 山东聊城
*通讯作者: 问莎莎,单位:聊城市第二人民医院 山东聊城;
压力性尿失禁是指打进行喷嚏、咳嗽、大笑等动作时,腹腔压力增高,出现尿液不自主从尿道中漏 出的疾病。该疾病好发于女性,经产妇以及围绝经期和绝经后的高龄女性是高发人群。随着国家三胎政策的启动, 我国产妇的数量在不断增加,产后压力性尿失禁的患病人数也在逐渐攀升,给产妇的生活质量造成极大影响。盆 底康复护理可以促进盆底肌肉修复和阴道紧缩,改善产后盆底松弛症状,对缓解产后女性压力性尿失禁症状有积 极意义。本文依据医护人员的临床经验结合大量相关文献,对产后女性压力性尿失禁应用盆底康复护理的应用进 行深入探讨,旨在为产后压力性尿失禁产妇的护理提供理论依据。
Stress urinary incontinence refers to the disease in which the abdominal pressure increases when sneezing, coughing, laughing, etc., and urine leaks involuntarily from the urethra. The disease is most common in women, and the elderly women in perimenopause and postmenopause are the most common groups. With the launch of the national three-child policy, the number of pregnant women in our country is increasing, and the number of postpartum stress urinary incontinence is also rising, which has a great impact on the quality of life of pregnant women. Pelvic floor rehabilitation nursing can promote pelvic floor muscle repair and vaginal contraction, improve postpartum pelvic floor relaxation symptoms, and relieve postpartum female stress urinary incontinence symptoms have positive significance. Based on the clinical experience of medical staff and a large number of relevant literatures, this paper deeply discusses the application of pelvic floor rehabilitation nursing for postpartum women with stress urinary incontinence, aiming to provide theoretical basis for the nursing of postpartum women with stress urinary incontinence.
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