Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (9) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000589 .
总浏览量: 306
上海市闵行区中心医院 上海
*通讯作者: 赵璀,单位:上海市闵行区中心医院 上海;
PBL教学法能够培养学生的问题解决能力和批判性思维。在产科护理教学中,学生面临各种复杂的 临床情境,通过PBL教学法,学生可以主动参与讨论和分析,提出解决问题的策略,从而培养他们的问题解决能 力和批判性思维。PBL教学法还有助于促进学生的团队合作和沟通能力。在产科护理实践中,团队合作和良好的 沟通至关重要。通过PBL教学法,学生被组织成小组进行问题解决,他们需要相互合作、交流和协作,从而培养 团队合作和沟通能力。在PBL教学法中,学生需要主动收集和整理相关信息,并对自己的学习过程进行反思和评 价。这种自主学习和自我评价的过程能够激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性,提高他们的学习效果。综上所述,PBL 教学法在产科护理教学中具有重要意义。然而,PBL教学法在产科护理教学中具有潜力和优势。然而,仍需要进 一步研究和改进,未来的研究应注重PBL教学法在产科护理教学中的具体实施、评价方法以及教师和学生的培训 需求。
PBL teaching method can cultivate students' problem-solving ability and Critical thinking. In obstetric nursing teaching, students are faced with various complex clinical situations. Through PBL teaching method, students can actively participate in discussion and analysis, and propose problem-solving strategies, so as to develop their problem-solving ability and Critical thinking. The PBL teaching method also helps to promote students' teamwork and communication skills. In obstetric nursing practice, teamwork and good communication are crucial. Through the PBL teaching method, students are organized into groups to solve problems, and they need to cooperate, communicate, and collaborate with each other to cultivate teamwork and communication skills. In the PBL teaching method, students need to actively collect and organize relevant information, and reflect and evaluate their learning process. This process of self-directed learning and self-evaluation can stimulate students' interest and initiative in learning, and improve their learning outcomes. In summary, the PBL teaching method is of great significance in obstetric nursing teaching. However, the PBL teaching method has potential and advantages in obstetric nursing teaching. However, further research and improvement are still needed, and future research should focus on the specific implementation and evaluation methods of PBL teaching method in obstetric nursing teaching, as well as the training needs of teachers and students.
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