Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (9) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000584 .
总浏览量: 278
广西省壮族自治区柳州市中医医院(柳州市壮医医院) 广西壮族自治区柳州
*通讯作者: 张海花,单位:广西省壮族自治区柳州市中医医院(柳州市壮医医院) 广西壮族自治区柳州;
目的 研究对胸腰段脊髓损伤患者在其护理工作中应用实施集束化康复护理时对其心肺功能所展现 的实施效果与实施价值。方法 本次研究的病例数为 208 例,他们均来自于 2022 年 1 月-2023 年 1 月期间我院诊 断收治护理的胸腰段脊髓损伤患者,根据奇偶数随机原则将其分为对照组和观察组,分别应用常规康复护理干预 和集束化康复护理干预,并对两组患者的护理有效率、护理满意度、心肺功能指标、康复效果、生活质量指标及 进行评价分析。结果 经干预后观察组的护理总有效率、护理满意度、包括饮食依从性、用药依从性、运动依从 性及睡眠依从性在内的康复效果更高,包括社会沟通、精神情况、身体健康及运动情况在内的生活质量指标和心 肺功能指标改善更好,焦虑评分、抑郁评分均更低。组间数值 P<0.05,说明存在对比意义。结论 对胸腰段脊髓 损伤患者在其护理工作中应用实施集束化康复护理时其临床护理效果显著,能够有效改善患者的护理质量和护理 效率,提高患者的生活质量和康复效果,缩短患者的康复时间和康复进程,降低患者临床并发症的发生,提高患 者的心肺功能,安抚缓解患者的不良心理情绪,值得在临床上进行推广。
Objective To study the implementation effect and implementation value of patients with thoracic and l umbar spinal cord injury in their cardiopulmonary function when applying clustered rehabilitation care in their nursing w ork. Methods The number of cases in this study is 208. They are all from patients with thoracic and lumbar spinal cord in jury diagnosed and treated in our hospital from January 2022 to January 2023. According to the principle of odd and eve n randomisation, they are divided into control groups and observation groups, and conventional rehabilitation nursing int erventions and clustered rehabilitation care are applied respectively. Intervention, and evaluation and analysis of nursing efficiency, nursing satisfaction, cardiopulmonary function indicators, rehabilitation effect, quality of life indicators and ps ychological state scores of the two groups of patients. Results After intervention, the overall nursing efficiency, nursing s atisfaction, rehabilitation effect including dietary compliance, medication compliance, exercise compliance and sleep co mpliance are higher, including social communication, mental condition, psychological condition, physical health and exe rcise quality of life indicators and cardiopulmonary function index The standard improvement is better, and the anxiety sc ore and depression score are lower. The value between groups is P<0.05, indicating that there is comparative significance. Conclusion The clinical nursing effect of clustered rehabilitation nursing for patients with thoracic and lumbar spinal co rd injury is remarkable, which can effectively improve the quality of care and efficiency of patients, improve the quality of life and rehabilitation effect of patients, shorten the recovery time of patients, and reduce the clinical complications of patients. The occurrence of the patient's cardiopulmonary function, soothes and relieves the patient's bad psychological m ood, which is worth promoting in clinical practice.
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