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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20230004 .

Guided by innovation and entrepreneurship education, comprehensively deepen the reform of education and teaching
以创新创业教育为引导 全面深化教育教学改革

作者: 王杰 *

重庆交通大学 重庆

*通讯作者: 王杰,单位:重庆交通大学 重庆;

引用本文: 王杰 以创新创业教育为引导 全面深化教育教学改革[J]. 国际教育学, 2023; 5: (1) : 13-16.
Published: 2023/10/22 11:37:12



关键词: 创新创业教育;教育教学;专创融合


Innovation and entrepreneurship education is an important way for colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality talents. Under the new historical conditions, how to deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, promote the organic integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education and professional education, and cultivate innovative spirit, entrepreneurial consciousness and ability Providing high-quality talents is an important issue currently faced by colleges and universities. Based on practical experience, this article puts forward the idea of comprehensively deepening the reform of education and teaching in colleges and universities guided by "innovation and entrepreneurship education". It believes that we should improve talent training plans, build a curriculum system with interdisciplinary integration, strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship practice links, and strengthen the construction of teaching staff. Starting from all aspects, we will create an education model of "specialization, innovation and fusion" to better adapt to the needs of social development for innovative and entrepreneurial talents and meet students' needs for high-level innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

Key words: Innovation and entrepreneurship education; education and teaching; integration of expertise and creativity

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