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Advances in International Finance. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.aif.20230001 .

Marxist anti-poverty approaches: analyzing and governing urban poverty concentration

作者: 许志超1, 廖阳菊2 *

1 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院 广东广州

2 广东外语外贸大学广东国际战略研究院 广东广州

*通讯作者: 廖阳菊,单位: 广东外语外贸大学广东国际战略研究院 广东广州;

引用本文: 许志超, 廖阳菊 践行马克思主义反贫困思想——城市集中贫困问题及其精准治理研究[J]. 国际金融进展, 2023; 5: (1) : 1-8.
Published: 2023/10/21 17:54:48



关键词: 城市集中贫困;长效机制;精准治理


In 2020, China triumphantly eradicated absolute poverty, but issues related to the causes of poverty have not ended. The problem of concentrated urban poverty has become a new focus of societal attention. The emergence of urban poverty is influenced by various factors. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the current state, new characteristics, and causes of concentrated urban poverty. It has been observed that there are challenges in understanding, equity, and policy implementation during the governance of urban concentrated poverty. To address this, the paper suggests adopting a precise approach to poverty alleviation, establishing a comprehensive system for identifying poverty indicators, improving the precise governance system for urban poverty, and motivating the urban poor to actively participate in poverty alleviation measures.

Key words: Concentrated urban poverty; Long-term mechanism; Precise governance

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