Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2023; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20230002 .
总浏览量: 652
江苏大学管理学院 江苏镇江
*通讯作者: 蔡莉,单位:江苏大学管理学院 江苏镇江;
Enterprises make use of the dialectical relationship between vision and cognition to develop artistic QR code marketing (artistic QR marketing) with unique design style and content, which not only conveys corporate information and emotion, but also attracts consumers' attention. This study analyses the correlation between the visual attractiveness of art QR codes and consumers' perceived experience through the visual heat technology and the decision-making sliding window technology, includes the hierarchical analysis method to verify the elements of visual attractiveness, and then explores the relationship between the two through structural equation modelling. The study shows that: perceived riskiness is the guarantee of art QR visual attractiveness and consumers' perceived experience, perceived usefulness is the basis of their relationship, while perceived artistry is the core of the relationship, and personal habit is the random perturbation term of the relationship, and there is indeed a significant impact of art QR visual attractiveness on consumers' perceived experience.
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