Journal of Earth Science Research
Journal of Earth Science Research. 2023; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jesr.20230003 .
总浏览量: 923
闽南师范大学历史地理学院 福建漳州
*通讯作者: 贾玉连,单位:闽南师范大学历史地理学院 福建漳州;
目的 网纹红土是中国南方第四系的特征地层,得到了学界广泛的关注,但目前对网纹形成的环境动力过程还比较模糊。方法 本文对长江中游黄石西塞山一大型砂质网纹及其基质进行的一系列物化测试,结果如下。结果 网纹部分含水量高、偏酸性、偏还原环境,基质含水量较低、酸性程度弱、偏氧化环境;网纹经历了较强烈的风化与以脱铁作用为主的铁族元素的淋失作用,而基质则经历了以铁族元素为主的元素物质的富集与淀积作用,铁质甚至硅质胶膜发育。微环境的差异使网纹和基质失去和获得游离铁,而表现出色度的差异,网纹的亮度增高,红绿值和黄蓝值降低,基质则完全相反。结论 可用网纹和基质的色差(△E)来表征网纹红土的发育过程中以铁为主的元素物质在土体内不同部位发生淋溶-淀积的程度,也就是网纹红土的发育程度,可以称之为网纹成熟度(MRM),它具有潜在的气候环境指示意义。
Objective Reticulated laterite is the characteristic stratum of the Quaternary in southern China, which has received extensive attention from the outside world, but the environmental dynamic process of reticulated laterite formation is still unclear. Methods The results of a series of physical and chemical tests on a large sandy reticulate and its matrix in Xisai Mountain of Huangshi in the middle reaches of Yangtze River are as follows. Results The mottle had high water content with acidic and reductive environment, while the matrix had low water content with weak acidity and oxidizing environment. The mottle experienced strong weathering and leaching of iron group elements mainly by deironing, while the matrix experienced the enrichment and deposition of iron group elements mainly by iron group elements with the development of iron and siliceous film. The difference of microenvironment caused the loss and gain of free iron between the mottle and the matrix with increased the brightness of the mesh and decreased the red, green and yellow and blue values, while the matrix was completely opposite. Conclusion The color difference (△E) between reticulate and matrix can be used to characterize the degree of leaching and deposition of iron-dominated elements in different parts of reticulate laterite during the development of reticulate laterite, that is, the development degree of reticulate laterite called reticulate maturity (MRM), which has potential climatic and environmental indication significance.
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