Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2023; 2: (4) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20230024 .
总浏览量: 909
1 西安航空学院电子工程学院 陕西西安
2 西安交通大学系统工程研究所,系统工程国家重点实验室 陕西西安
3 广东西安交通大学研究院 广东顺德
*通讯作者: 余涛,单位: 西安航空学院电子工程学院 陕西西安;
本文基于非线性滤波提出一种针对多人及多角度人眼的检测和跟踪方法。首先用五种分别具有四个不同尺度的AdaBoost人脸检测器依次在图像中每个区域检测人脸;然后用四种AdaBoost 人眼检测器锁定眼部位置;若眼睛检测失败,则应用解剖学中器官位置的先验比例模板法作为补充;接着用非线性滤波器Unscented filter预测目标下一位置;最后用上述检测方法检测后续帧,修正相关预测;如此重复上述循环直至跟踪结束。相关测试得出该方法对多人及多角度的垂直主体的眨眼,闭眼,戴眼镜及部分遮挡等均具有一定程度鲁棒性,并且非线性滤波使其能够以变化速度的曲线方式跟踪目标。
This paper presents a framework on multi-user and multi-view human eyes’ detection and tracking. First, it uses fives kinds of AdaBoost face detectors with four different sizes at each area of image to detect faces in turn. Then, to locate eyes’ positions, four kinds of AdaBoost eye detectors are used and if the eye-detection above fails, the prior knowledge of human organs’ positions in anatomy is applied as a spare method. Next, it uses the unscented filter to predict the targets’ next possible positions. Finally, the detection method above is used to detect the third frame and amend the relative forecasting. And repeat above cycle until tracking over. This framework is robust to subject’s eyes’ blinking, closing, wearing glasses and partly sheltering in multi-face and multi-view to a certain extent for the optimized structure performance and reasonable selected features. And because of the nonlinear filtering, it can track targets in curves with changing speeds. It mainly fits most usual vertical head scenes in monitoring environment.
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