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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230264 .

Study on the application and strategies of detailing nursing in neurosurgical nursing

作者: 许蕾 *, 张纯

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院神经外科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 许蕾,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院神经外科 云南昆明;

引用本文: 许蕾, 张纯 细节化护理在神经外科护理中的应用及策略研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2023; 5: (7) : 41-43.
Published: 2023/7/22 11:07:07


目的 研究在神经外科护理中应用细节化护理所起到的临床效果。方法 随机选取本院2021年10月至2022年9月在本院神经外科收治的患者86例,按照应用护理方式的不同将这86例患者分为对照组和观察组,对照组患者应用常规护理模式,观察组患者在应用常规护理模式的基础上应用细节化护理模式,通过对两组患者基本资料分析来对护理后的效果进行评价。结果 应用细节化护理的观察组患者护理后并发症发生率为6.97%,明显低于同期对照组20.93%,且患者的护理满意度也高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 将细节化护理应用在神经外科患者护理中能够从多种护理措施实施中提升护理质量,也能从细致、优质的护理服务中提升患者护理满意度。

关键词: 细节化护理;神经外科;临床应用;分析研究


Objective To study the clinical effect of applying detailing nursing in neurosurgery nursing.
Methods Eighty-six patients admitted to the neurosurgery department of the hospital from October 2021 to September 2022 were randomly selected, and these 86 patients were divided into a control group and an observation group according to the different application of nursing care, with the control group applying the conventional nursing care mode and the observation group applying the detailed nursing care mode on the basis of the conventional nursing care mode. The effect of care was evaluated by analysing the basic data of the two groups.
Results The complication rate of the observation group was 6.97%, which was significantly lower than that of the control group (20.93%), and the satisfaction rate of the patients was also higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   Applying detailed care in neurosurgical patient care can improve the quality of care from the implementation of various nursing measures, and also improve patient care satisfaction from meticulous and high-quality nursing services.

Key words: Detailed nursing; Neurosurgery; Clinical application; Analysis and research

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