International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230262 .
总浏览量: 375
西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院医务部控感办 陕西西安
*通讯作者: 张雪琴,单位:西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院医务部控感办 陕西西安;
目的 了解医务人员对院感知识的掌握程度,为有针对性的开展院内感染控制工作提供依据。方法 采用问卷调查的方法,对500名医务人员进行院感知识调查,并对调查结果进行分析。结果 行政、工勤人员对院内感染知识知晓率低,各岗位对院感知识掌握程度不同,临床人员在职业防护方面优于其他岗位,差异有统计学意义(χ2=13.88,P<0.01)。结论 医护人员对医院感染知识重视不够,职业防护意识不强,加强医护人员医院感染知识的培训和学习非常重要,可促进工作人员对医院感染防控知识的掌握及技能水平的提高,切实降低医院感染风险。
Objective To understand the degree of medical staff's knowledge of hospital sense, and to provide a basis for targeted nosocomial infection control. Methods 500 medical staff were investigated by questionnaire, and the results were analyzed. Results The knowledge of nosocomial infection was low among administrative and industrial staff, and the knowledge of nosocomial infection was different among different positions. Clinical staff was better than other positions in occupational protection, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=13.88, P<0.01). Conclusion Medical staff do not pay enough attention to nosocomial infection knowledge and have weak awareness of occupational protection. It is very important to strengthen the training and learning of nosocomial infection knowledge for medical staff, which can promote their mastery of nosocomial infection prevention and control knowledge and improve their skills, and effectively reduce the risk of nosocomial infection.
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