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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230224 .

Analysis of the correlation between different types of tumor and anemia

作者: 熊伟 *

赤壁市蒲纺医院 湖北咸宁

*通讯作者: 熊伟,单位:赤壁市蒲纺医院 湖北咸宁;

引用本文: 熊伟 不同类型肿瘤与贫血相关性分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (5) : 82-85.
Published: 2023/5/20 16:37:22


目的 分析不同年龄段、不同性别、不同类型的肿瘤与贫血的关系,为肿瘤相关性贫血的预防与治疗提供一定的科学依据。方法 收集我院2019年1月至2022年12月的病历数据包括患者年龄、肿瘤类型、性别、实验室检查指标(血红蛋白、红细胞、红细胞压积),分析数据。结果 共收治1000例恶性肿瘤患者,其中轻度贫血39.7%、中度贫血30.1%、25.4%、4.8%。不同肿瘤发生率中,消化系统恶性肿瘤贫血30.1%、妇科恶性肿瘤16.4%、肺癌22.4%、泌尿系统恶性肿瘤12.2%、头颈部恶性肿瘤8.2%、乳腺癌4.4%、6.3%。男性肿瘤相关性贫血的男性患病率高于女性,χ2=151.231,P<0.05。肿瘤相关性贫血随着年龄增长都呈现上升趋势。结论 不同部位的肿瘤,贫血的患病率不同,消化系统肿瘤更容易发生贫血,其中以轻度、中度较为常见。且随着年龄增长贫血风险更大,男性贫血几率高于女性。

关键词: 不同类型肿瘤;贫血;年龄;性别;相关性分析


Objective To analyze the relationship between tumors of different age groups, genders, and types and anemia, in order to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of tumor related anemia.
Methods Collect medical record data from our hospital from January 2019 to December 2022, including patient age, tumor type, gender, laboratory examination indicators (hemoglobin, red blood cells, hematocrit), and analyze the data.
Results A total of 1000 malignant tumor patients were treated, including 39.7% of mild anemia, 30.1% of moderate anemia, 25.4%, and 4.8%. Among different tumor incidence rates, digestive system malignant tumor anemia 30.1%, gynecological malignant tumor 16.4%, lung cancer 22.4%, urinary system malignant tumor 12.2%, head and neck malignant tumor 8.2%, breast cancer 4.4%, 6.3%. The incidence of tumor associated anemia in males is higher than that in females, with χ2=151.231, P<0.05. Tumor related anemia shows an increasing trend with age.
Conclusion   The incidence of anemia varies among tumors in different parts of the body, and digestive system tumors are more prone to anemia, with mild and moderate being more common. And the risk of anemia increases with age, with males having a higher risk of anemia than females.

Key words: Different types of tumor; Anemia; Age; Gender; Correlation analysis

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