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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230215 .

Exploring the clinical effects of general practice treatment for primary hypertension at the grassroots level

作者: 王荣华 *

浙江省湖州市第一人民医院医疗保健集团埭溪院区 浙江湖州

*通讯作者: 王荣华,单位:浙江省湖州市第一人民医院医疗保健集团埭溪院区 浙江湖州;

引用本文: 王荣华 探究原发性高血压在基层进行全科治疗的临床效果[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (5) : 49-52.
Published: 2023/5/20 16:14:01


目的 探究原发性高血压(EH)在基层进行全科治疗的临床效果。方法 2021年5月~2023年2月,在我院就诊的EH患者中选取104例,以治疗不同手段为依据,对照组(52例)接受常规治疗,观察组(52例)将接受全科治疗,分析组间治疗效果。结果 经干预,观察组血压数值较对照组优,血压控制、服药依从性、相关知识知晓均较对照组佳,生活质量较对照组高(O<0.05)。结论 EH患者接受全科治疗获得了一定价值,可推行。

关键词: 服药依从性;全科治疗;生活质量;原发性高血压


Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of general practice treatment for primary hypertension (EH) at the grassroots level.
Methods From May 2021 to February 2023, 104 EH patients were selected from our hospital. Based on different treatment methods, the control group (52 cases) received routine treatment, while the observation group (52 cases) received general treatment. The treatment effects between the groups were analyzed.
Results After intervention, the blood pressure values in the observation group were better than those in the control group, and blood pressure control, medication compliance, and knowledge awareness were better than those in the control group. The quality of life was higher than that in the control group (O<0.05).
Conclusion   EH patients receiving general practice treatment have gained certain value and can be promoted.

Key words: Medication adherence; General treatment; Quality of life; Essential hypertension

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