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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230211 .

The effect of midwife consultation clinic on obstetric quality

作者: 罗磊 *, 安喜娟, 杨李

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二五医院妇产科 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 罗磊,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二五医院妇产科 贵州贵阳;

引用本文: 罗磊, 安喜娟, 杨李 助产士咨询门诊对产科质量的影响[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (5) : 37-39.
Published: 2023/5/20 16:00:12


目的 分析助产士咨询门诊对产科质量的影响。方法 2022年7月到2022年12月选取孕产妇360例进行分析,其中180例分为研究组,采用助产士咨询门诊;另外180例分为参照组采用常规护理,统计护理结果。结果 研究组满意度、知晓率高于参照组,剖宫产率低于参照组(P<0.05)。结论 助产士咨询门诊有利于提高产科质量。

关键词: 助产士;咨询门诊;产科质量;影响


Objective To analyze the influence of midwife consultation clinic on the quality of obstetrics.
Methods From July 2022 to December 2022, 360 cases of pregnant women were selected for analysis, 180 cases were divided into research group, and the midwife consultation clinic was used. The other 180 cases were divided into the control group for routine nursing and statistical nursing results.
Results The satisfaction and awareness rate of the study group was higher than that of the reference group, and the cesarean section rate was lower than that of the reference group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   Midwifery consultation clinic is beneficial to improve the quality of obstetrics.

Key words: Midwife; Consultation clinic; Obstetric quality; Influence

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