International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230092 .
总浏览量: 430
乐山市人民医院 四川乐山
*通讯作者: 袁萍,单位:乐山市人民医院 四川乐山;
Child safety seat is an effective measure to prevent and reduce car injuries when children travel by car. According to laws around the world, children under the age of 12 must use a car seat when riding. In China, with the introduction of the relevant law, safety seat utilization rate continues to be high, but there are still many problems in the use. This paper focuses on the use of child safety seats in China and the existing problems, seeking to improve the utilization rate of relevant policies.
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