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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine

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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000137 .

Effects of narrative nursing on mental health and empathy of psychiatric nurses

作者: 冯治彦 *, 翁文霞

上海市长宁区精神卫生中心 上海

*通讯作者: 冯治彦,单位:上海市长宁区精神卫生中心 上海;

引用本文: 冯治彦, 翁文霞 叙事护理对精神科护士心理健康及共情能力的影响[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2023; 2: (3) : 13-15.
Published: 2023/5/10 14:45:10


目的 本文对精神科护士采用叙事护理模式,探讨对其心理健康及共情能力的影响。方法 将我院 2022 年 1 月-2022 年 12 月 50 例精神科护士,抽签法分为二组。对照组给予常规护理干预,实验组实施叙事护理 模式。比较两组护理前后心理健康量表 SCL-90 量表评分值、共情能力杰佛逊共情量表评分、对工作的满意度、 季度和年度护理工作达标率。结果 实验组心理健康量表 SCL-90 量表评分值低于对照组,共情能力杰佛逊共情量 表评分高于对照组,对工作的满意度高于对照组,季度和年度护理工作达标率高于对照组,P<0.05。结论 精神 科护士实施叙事护理效果确切,可有效改善护士的心理健康状况,提高其共情能力,并提高护士的工作达标率和 工作满意度,值得推广。

关键词: 叙事护理;精神科护士;心理健康;共情能力;影响


Objective To explore the impact of narrative nursing on mental health and empathy among psychiatric nurses.
Methods From January 2022 to December 2022, 50 psychiatric nurses in our hospital were divided into two groups by drawing lots. The control group was given routine nursing, while the experimental group was given narrative nursing. The scores of the mental health scale SCL-90, the empathy ability Jefferson empathy scale, job satisfaction, and the quarterly and annual nursing compliance rates before and after nursing were compared between the two groups.
Results The scores on the SCL-90 scale of mental health in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group, while the scores on the Jefferson empathy scale of empathy were higher than those in the control group. Job satisfaction was higher in the experimental group, and the quarterly and annual nursing work compliance rates were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The effectiveness of narrative nursing among psychiatric nurses is accurate, which can effectively improve their mental health status, enhance their empathy, and improve their work compliance rate and job satisfaction. It is worth promoting.

Key words: Narrative nursing; Psychiatric nurse; mental health; Empathy; influence

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