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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230181 .

Analysis of the influence of psychological care on patients undergoing elective ultrasound interventional therapy for renal cysts

作者: 袁碧霞 *

粤北人民医院体检中心 广东韶关

*通讯作者: 袁碧霞,单位:粤北人民医院体检中心 广东韶关;

引用本文: 袁碧霞 心理护理对肾囊肿择期超声介入治疗患者的影响分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (4) : 112-114.
Published: 2023/4/13 10:30:29


目的 分析肾囊肿择期超声介入治疗患者过程中引进心理护理的有效性。方法 对近两年我院进行肾囊肿择期超声介入治疗患者144例患者视作分析对象,以护理方式为主进行两组划分,有心理护理组与常规护理组,比较患者身体恢复情况。结果 心理护理组的负面情绪改善程度更大、对疾病的应对积极性更高、对护理工作配合度更高,p<0.05。结论 肾囊肿择期超声介入治疗中应大力推广心理护理,缩短患者恢复时间。

关键词: 心理护理;肾囊肿择期超声介入;负面情绪;护理效果


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of introducing psychological care in the treatment of renal cyst.
Methods: 144 patients with elective ultrasound interventional therapy for renal cyst in our hospital in the past two years were regarded as analysis objects, and two groups were divided mainly based on nursing methods to compare the physical recovery of patients.
Results: The psychological care group had greater improvement of negative emotions, more enthusiasm to deal with the disease, and more coordination with nursing work, p <0.05.
Conclusion  : Psychological care should be promoted to shorten the recovery time of patients.

Key words: Psychological care; elective ultrasound intervention of renal cyst; negative emotions; nursing effect

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