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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230176 .

Study on the effect of transport ventilator combined with emergency transport carein patients with cerebral infarction

作者: 杨奕 *

西安大兴医院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 杨奕,单位:西安大兴医院 陕西西安;

引用本文: 杨奕 转运呼吸机结合急救转运护理在脑梗死患者中的效果研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2023; 5: (4) : 90-93.
Published: 2023/4/30 20:42:45


目的 研究脑梗死患者引进转运呼吸机以及急救转运护理干预的有效性。方法 选取近两年我院诊治的86例患者进行分组分析,这些患者均满足脑梗死疾病诊断标准。围绕护理方式记作一般转运组(n=43)以及急救转运组(n=43),分析脑梗死患者的心理与血压等指标变化,评估呼吸机与急救转运护理的应用价值。结果 转运之前,两组患者的呼吸频率与心率以及血压指标的比较p>0.05。急救转运组呼吸频率均值(20.41±1.36)次/分、心率均值(90.25±1.40)次/分、收缩压均值(112.40±4.86)mmHg、舒张压均值(69.20±3.62)mmHg,均优于一般转运组;急救转运组患者属于完全控制结果有7例、属于明显控制结果有15例、属于好转控制结果有15例,总控制率是86.0%,高于一般转运组69.8%,p<0.05。结论 脑梗死患者的临床护理中,要首选转运呼吸机以及的急救转运护理联合模式,更好地调整患者身体指标,保障护理效果,可以在医学领域内大力推广转运呼吸机以及急救转运联合干预模式。

关键词: 转运呼吸机;急救转运护理;脑梗死;应用价值


Objective To study the effectiveness of the introduction of transport ventilator and emergency transport nursing intervention in patients with cerebral infarction.
Methods 86 patients treated by our hospital in recent two years were selected for group analysis, and these patients met the diagnostic criteria of cerebral infarction. Based on the nursing mode recorded as general transport group (n=43) and emergency transport group (n=43), the psychological and blood pressure changes of cerebral infarction patients were analyzed, and the application value of ventilator and emergency transport care was evaluated.
Results Prior to transport, respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure measures were compared with p> 0.05. Mean respiratory rate (20.41±1.36) times / minute, heart rate mean / score (90.25±1.40), mean systolic blood pressure mean (112.40±4.86) mmHg, mean diastolic pressure mean (69.20±3.62) mmHg, all better than the general transport group; 7 patients had complete control results, 15 obvious control results, 15 improved control results, and the total control rate was 86.0%, higher than 69.8% 1 in the general transport group, p <0.05.
Conclusion   In the clinical nursing of patients with cerebral infarction, the combined mode of emergency transport nursing should be preferred to better adjust the physical indicators of the patients and ensure the nursing effect, which can be recommended.

Key words: Transfer ventilator; Emergency transport care; Cerebral infarction; Application value

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