International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230173 .
总浏览量: 420
北京和睦家医院 北京
*通讯作者: 常春华,单位:北京和睦家医院 北京;
目的 探求MDT(多学科团队)联合OSCE(客观结构化临床考核)的式教学提升老年专科护士核心能力的应用效果及启示。方法 2021年32名老年相关科室护士参加培训。第一批17名护士为对照组接受了传统教学与考核方式;第二批15名护士为实验组,应用基于MDT(多学科团队)式教学和OSCE考核方式,采用老年专科护士核心能力评估标准,护士对培训的满意度调查问卷与老年理论知识考核。结果 实验组在培训和考核的满意度,老年专科护士核心能力评估及笔试成绩均高于对照组。差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 护士对基于OSCE的MDT式教学满意度高,加深了护士们理论知识的基础。并应用还原临床情景的方式大大促进了各团队之间的协作,提升了老年专科护士核心能力,提升综合素质,更加自信从容应对老年专科护理工作中的压力。
Objective To explore the application effect and significance of MDT combined with Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Mode in the Practice of the Nursing of the Aged. Methods A total 32 nurses from Geriatric related departments participated in this training. Batch 1 with 17 nurses as controlled group received traditional teaching method and routine examination. Batch 2 with 15 nurses as experimental group received MDT combined with OSCE mode, the satisfaction of training by two groups, core competence for Geriatric specialized nurses and written test of Geriatric Nursing. Results The satisfaction of training, evaluation of core competency for Geriatric specialized nurses and written tests in the experimental group are higher than control group, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Nurses are satisfied with MDT combined with OSCE Mode in the Practice of the Nursing of the Aged and their Geriatric nursing knowledge are improved. Cooperation between MDT, the core competency for Geriatric specialized Nurse and the nurses’ overall qualities are enhanced comprehensively by simulations which restoring clinical practice. Therefore nurses’ working stress from Geriatric nursing care are handled more confidently.
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