Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2023; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.2023000126 .
总浏览量: 324
联勤保障部队第九 OO 医院 福建福州
*通讯作者: 翁艺丹,单位:联勤保障部队第九 OO 医院 福建福州;
目的 本文主要针对袋鼠式护理临床应用于足月新生儿中对母乳喂养、行为状态方面的影响作具体 分析。方法 研究入组样本均选择于近五年在我院分娩的足月新生儿,筛选其中 300 例,结合随机数字表方式进 行分组,均分两组即研究组、对照组,回顾性统计分析两组足月新生儿 3 天、28 天神经行为状态、睡眠质量、 睡眠时间以及母乳喂养成功率、护理满意度数据结果。结果 实施袋鼠式护理干预的研究组,新生儿神经行为状 态 3 天评分、28 天评分,优于另一组,睡眠时间(3 天、28 天),睡眠质量(3 天、28 天)数据均高于另一组, 母乳喂养成功率、护理满意度数据均优胜于另一组,体现 P<0.05 表明统计学意义。结论 袋鼠式护理对足月新 生儿中有利于促进神经行为发育,提高母乳喂养成功率及新生儿睡眠质量,体现优质护理效果,建议广泛推广此 护理措施。
Objective This article mainly analyzes the effects of kangaroo nursing on breast feeding and behavioral status in term newborns. Methods The study enrolled samples were selected from the full-term newborns delivered in our hospital in the past five years, and 300 of them were screened. They were divided into two groups, namely, the study group and the control group, according to the random number table. The neurobehavioral state, sleep quality, sleep time, breast-feeding success rate and nursing satisfaction data of the full-term newborns in the two groups were analyzed retrospectively. Results In the study group that implemented kangaroo nursing intervention, the scores of neonatal neurobehavioral state in 3 days and 28 days were better than that in the other group. The data of sleep time (3 days and 28 days) and sleep quality (3 days and 28 days) were higher than that in the other group. The data of breast-feeding success rate and nursing satisfaction were better than that in the other group, which showed that P<0.05 showed statistical significance. Conclusion Kangaroo nursing is beneficial to promote neurobehavioral development, improve the success rate of breastfeeding and neonatal sleep quality, and reflect the quality of nursing care. It is recommended to popularize this nursing measure widely.
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