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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230149 .

Observation of the clinical effect of whole-process nutrition management in patients with gastrointestinal tumors

作者: 郭宇 *, 章芳丽, 谢雅琼, 李桂琴, 陈利亚

安吉县人民医院 浙江湖州

*通讯作者: 郭宇,单位:安吉县人民医院 浙江湖州;

引用本文: 郭宇, 章芳丽, 谢雅琼, 李桂琴, 陈利亚 胃肠道肿瘤患者全程化营养管理临床效果观察[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (3) : 162-165.
Published: 2023/3/26 15:18:10


目的 分析全程化营养管理作用在胃肠道肿瘤患者的效果。方法 时间记作2020年1月-2022年1月,对接受诊治的胃肠道肿瘤120例患者加以入组研究,围绕管理模式划分两个小组,即全程管理组与常规管理组,了解患者身体指标的实际情况,评估全程化营养管理的价值。结果 干预之前,两组病人的体质量和白蛋白等营养指标的对比p>0.05。干预之后,全程管理组病人的体质量项目均值(51.02±3.40)kg、白蛋白项目均值(35.41±2.50)g/L、前白蛋白项目均值(185.49±34.50)mg/L、血红蛋白项目均值(110.25±1.69)g/L,均优于常规管理组,p<0.05;全程管理组患者的生活质量分数高于常规管理组,p<0.05。结论 全程化营养管理应用在胃肠道肿瘤疾病干预中,起到的成效显著,可以推广。

关键词: 胃肠道肿瘤;全程化;营养管理;观察效果


Objective To analyze the effect of the whole-process nutritional management effect in patients with gastrointestinal tumors.
Methods: From January 2020 to January 2022,120 patients with gastrointestinal tumors were enrolled into the study, and two groups were divided around the management mode, namely, whole-process management group and routine management group, to understand the actual situation of patients' physical indicators and evaluate the value of whole-process nutritional management.
Results: Prior to the intervention, comparisons of body mass and nutritional measures such as albumin were p> 0.05. After the intervention, the mean of body quality items (51.02 ± 3.40) kg, albumin (2.5035.50), proalbumin (185.49 ± 34.50) mg/L and hemoglobin (110.25 ± 1.20.29), g / L were all better than the conventional management group, p <0.05; theQoL scores of patients in the whole-process management group was higher than that of the conventional management group, p <0.05.
Conclusion  : The application of whole-process nutrition management in gastrointestinal tumor disease intervention has achieved remarkable results and can be promoted.

Key words: Gastrointestinal tumor; whole process; nutrition management; observation effect

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