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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230147 .

Clinical observation of 50 cases of neonatal influenza A

作者: 宋世红 *

河南南阳镇平县妇幼保健院儿科 河南南阳

*通讯作者: 宋世红,单位:河南南阳镇平县妇幼保健院儿科 河南南阳;

引用本文: 宋世红 新生儿甲型流行性感冒50例临床观察[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (3) : 156-158.
Published: 2023/3/26 15:10:38


目的 对临床新生儿甲型流行性感冒治疗方法及预后等进行探讨。方法 对镇平县妇幼保健院儿科在2019年1月至2020年3月间所收治的50例住院新生儿患者临床资料进行回顾性分析,针对新生儿甲型流行性感冒的临床特征、临床检查、治疗及疾病转归等进行全面分析。结果 50例甲型流行性感冒患儿中男女比例为27:23。其中足月儿有32例,早产儿18例,晚期早产儿有9例。进入冬春季发病的患儿为36例,夏季发病的患儿为14例。入院前与存在感冒等症状家人有接触史的患儿为24例。在临床上患儿的主要表现症状有咳嗽、发热、呼吸困难、鼻塞、流涕、呼吸暂停等。根据甲型流行性病毒抗原检测发现50例患儿均为阳性,同时合并呼吸道合胞病毒阳性的患儿为12例,出现痰细菌培养阳性的患儿为34例,针对上述患儿使用奥司他韦治疗的患儿为32例,使用帕拉米韦治疗的患儿为4例。根据本次入选资料显示所有患儿均治愈出院,未出现新生儿死亡现象。结论 新生儿甲型流感并未体现出典型症状,其中多出现在冬季和夏季,大多数患者在愈后,但对于部分早产儿来说要对其严重并发症及不良预后给予高度警惕。

关键词: 新生儿;甲型流行性感冒;临床特征


Objective To investigate the treatment and prognosis of neonatal influenza A.
Methods Retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 50 neonatal patients admitted to Zhenping Maternal and Child Health Hospital from January 2019 to March 2020, and the clinical characteristics, clinical examination, treatment and disease outcome of neonatal influenza A were comprehensively analyzed.
Results The male to female ratio of 50 children with influenza A was 27:23. There were 32 full-term infants, 18 premature infants and 9 late preterm infants. There were 36 cases in winter and spring, and 14 cases in summer. There were 24 cases of patients who had contact with family members with symptoms such as cold before admission. Clinically, the main symptoms of children are cough, fever, dyspnea, nasal congestion, runny nose, apnea and so on. According to the detection of epidemic virus A antigen, 50 children were positive, 12 children with respiratory syncytial virus positive, 34 children with sputum bacteria culture positive, 32 children with oseltamivir treatment, 4 children with peramivir treatment. According to the selected data, all the children were cured and discharged from hospital, and there was no neonatal death.
Conclusion   Neonatal influenza A does not show typical symptoms, most of which occur in winter and summer. Most patients recover after recovery, but for some premature infants, serious complications and poor prognosis should be highly vigilant.

Key words: Newborn; Influenza A; Clinical features

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