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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230092 .

Clinical study of intravenous deep sedation for oral treatment in children

作者: 杨圣凤 *

新泰市人民医院 山东新泰

*通讯作者: 杨圣凤,单位:新泰市人民医院 山东新泰;

引用本文: 杨圣凤 静脉深度镇静用于儿童口腔治疗的临床研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (2) : 150-152.
Published: 2023/2/28 19:11:07


目的 本文主要是针对儿童患者在进行口腔治疗时使用静脉深度镇静的临床效果进行分析与研究。方法 在医院中选择100名口腔治疗的儿童患者,将这些患者划分为两个组别,一组采用常规麻醉的方式进行治疗(常规组),另一组是在常规麻醉的基础上结合静脉深度镇静的方式完成治疗(镇静组),在治疗完成之后,将两组患者的治疗结果对比,进而分析出静脉深度镇静的临床效果。两组患者治疗结果的对比主要是分为三个方面,第一是患者治疗中的时间消耗,第二是患者治疗过程中的配合程度,第三是儿童患者治疗完成之后出现并发症的情况。结果 根据两组患者治疗结果的对比,可以发现在进行儿童口腔治疗的时候,静脉深度镇静有着较为明显的优势,两组患者治疗结果之间存在着较大差异性。结论 通过本次研究,可以证明静脉深度镇静是一种较为有效的麻醉方式,可以在后续的儿童口腔治疗中推广使用。

关键词: 静脉深度镇静;儿童患者;口腔治疗;治疗效果


Objective: This paper mainly analyzes and studies the clinical effect of intravenous deep sedation in children with oral treatment.
Methods:100 children with oral treatment were selected in the hospital, and these patients were divided into two groups, one group was treated by routine anesthesia ( routine group ), and the other group was treated by routine anesthesia the treatment is completed on the basis of routine anesthesia combined with intravenous deep sedation(Sedation group). After the treatment is completed, the treatment results of the two groups of patients are compared, and then the clinical effect of venous deep sedation is analyzed. The comparison of treatment results between the two groups is mainly divided into three aspects, the first is the time consumption of patients' treatment,the second is the degree of cooperation in the treatment process of patients, and the third is the complications of children patients after treatment.
Results: According to the comparison of the treatment results of the two groups of patients, it can be found that deep venous sedation has obvious advantages in children's oral treatment, and there are great differences between the treatment results of the two groups.
Conclusion  : Through this study, it can be proved that intravenous deep sedation is an effective treatment, which can be popularized in the follow-up oral treatment for children.

Key words: Deep intravenous sedation; Children patients; Oral treatment; treatment effect

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