International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230048 .
总浏览量: 394
兴义市疾病预防控制中心 贵州兴义
*通讯作者: 沈宪光,单位:兴义市疾病预防控制中心 贵州兴义;
目的 通过对兴义市辖区内生活饮用水枯水期140份水样硫酸盐含量的分析,了解兴义市辖区硫酸盐含量的集中趋势和离散程度。方法 将兴义市辖区内的生活饮用水划分为水厂水及水厂末梢水、小水窖水,在现场进行余氯检测,同时加保存试剂后送实验室按离子色谱法(GB/T5750.5--2006 3.2)对硫酸盐含量进行检验,应用《理化测试数据统计软件》、IBM SPSS Statistics22统计软件对检验结果进行统计。结果 70份出厂水及末梢水中位数24.63mg/L,70份小水窖水中位数28.56mg/L;70份出厂水及末梢水变异系数104.788%,70份小水窖水变异系数61.012%。结论 兴义市140份枯水期生活饮用水硫酸盐检验结果均符合 GB5749--2006之规定。
Objective To understand the concentration trend and dispersion degree of sulfate content in 140 samples of drinking water in dry season in Xingyi City. Methods The domestic drinking water in the area of Xingyi City was divided into water plant water, water plant end water and small water cellar water. The residual chlorine was detected at the site, and the preserved reagent was added to the water and sent to the laboratory to test the sulfate content according to the ion chromatography method (GB/T5750.5-2006 3.2). The test results were statistically analyzed using the Statistical Software for Physical and Chemical Test Data and IBM SPSS Statistics22 statistical software. Results The number of water in 70 samples of factory water and end water was 24.63mg/L, and that in 70 samples of small cellar water was 28.56mg/L; The variation coefficient of 70 samples of factory water and tip water is 104.788%, and that of 70 samples of small cellar water is 61.012%. Conclusion The sulfate test results of 140 samples of drinking water in Xingyi City in dry season conform to the provisions of GB5749-2006.
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