International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230042 .
总浏览量: 384
密山市人民医院 黑龙江密山
*通讯作者: 赵维维,单位:密山市人民医院 黑龙江密山;
目的 就内科规范治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床效果予以观察分析,进一步提升患者的临床疗效,总结要点。方法 将2021年1月至2022年12月收入本院收治的84例冠心病心绞痛患者作为此次研究对象,按治疗措施的不同均分为42例/组的对照组、观察组。对照组为基础治疗,观察组为内科规范治疗,对比治疗成果。结果 从数据可见,观察组的临床有效率高于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。同时,在不良事件发生率上观察组对于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05)。最后,在心绞痛发作次数和持续时间上,观察组短(少)于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 针对冠心病心绞痛患者,为其实施内科规范治疗,有效性良好,可降低心绞痛的发作,具备一定推广、应用价值。
Objective To observe and analyze the clinical effect of coronary angina pectoris, further improve the clinical effect of patients and summarize the key points. Methods 84 patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris admitted to our hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were taken as the subjects of this study, and were divided into 42 cases / group control group and observation group according to the different treatment measures. The control group was the basic treatment, and the observation group was the internal medicine standard treatment, and the treatment results were compared. Results From the data, the clinical response rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group and was statistically significant (P <0.05). Also, the control group (P <0.05). Finally, in the number and duration of angina attacks, the observation group was shorter (less) than the control group, with a significant difference (P <0.05). Conclusion For patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, the effectiveness is good, which can reduce the attack of angina pectoris and has certain promotion and application value.
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