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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230041 .

Effect of drugs combined with extracorporeal impingement lithotripsy in the treatment of urinary calculi

作者: 张蓬 *

宜宾市第一人民医院 四川宜宾

*通讯作者: 张蓬,单位:宜宾市第一人民医院 四川宜宾;

引用本文: 张蓬 药物联合体外冲击碎石技术治疗泌尿结石的效果[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2023; 7: (2) : 34-36.
Published: 2023/2/28 20:59:14


目的 探究体外冲击碎石技术与药物联合治疗泌尿结石的临床疗效。方法 筛选2021年2月——2022年2月,在我院实施诊疗的泌尿结石患者118例纳入本次研究。以治疗方法的差异性作为分组标准,将其分成两组,即参照组(59例)与研究组(59例)。给予参照组单独应用体外冲击碎石疗法,给予研究组在此基础上加用药物疗法。统计两种方法的最终疗效,并对相关数据展开分析与比较。结果 就临床疗效而言,与参照组(48例,81.36%)相比,研究组(56例,94.92%)疗效更为理想;同时,与参照组相比,研究组结石完全排出率更高(96.61%>83.05%),结石平均排出时间更短(5.89±1.36d<7.62±1.67d)。结论 在泌尿结石治疗中,联合应用体外冲击碎石与药物疗法的效果更令人满意,可在缓解不适症状的同时,加快结石排出速度,为患者早日减轻病痛。

关键词: 药物治疗;体外冲击碎石技术;泌尿结石;临床疗效


Objective To explore the clinical effect of extracorporeal impingement lithotripsy combined with drugs in the treatment of urinary calculi.
Methods From February 2021 to February 2022, 118 patients with urinary calculi who were treated in our hospital were selected to be included in this study. They were divided into two groups based on the difference of treatment methods, namely the reference group (59 cases) and the research group (59 cases). The control group was given external shock lithotripsy alone, and the study group was given drug therapy on the basis of this. The final curative effects of the two methods were analyzed and compared.
Results In terms of clinical efficacy, compared with the reference group (48 cases, 81.36%), the study group (56 cases, 94.92%) had better efficacy. Meanwhile, compared with the reference group, the total stone expulsion rate in the study group was higher (96.61%>83.05%), and the average stone expulsion time was shorter (5.89±1.36d<7.62±1.67d).
Conclusion   In the treatment of urinary calculi, the combined application of extracorporeal shock lithotripsy and drug therapy is more satisfactory, which can relieve the discomfort symptoms, accelerate the speed of stone removal, and relieve the pain of patients as soon as possible.

Key words: drug therapy; External impact lithotripsy; Urinary calculi; Clinical effect

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