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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230073 .

Application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging

作者: 薛珂禹 *

延安大学 陕西延安

*通讯作者: 薛珂禹,单位:延安大学 陕西延安;

引用本文: 薛珂禹 人工智能在医学影像学中的应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (2) : 85-87.
Published: 2023/2/28 19:10:49



关键词: 人工智能;医学影像;诊断;效率


Artificial intelligence was first presented at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, but it didn't really get enough attention until 2016, when AlphaGo defeated the Korean nine-dan players. Nowadays, artificial intelligence has also achieved excellent performance in the medical field, especially in medical imaging. Based on the practical application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging, this paper studies how to adapt to the new era of intelligent medicine more effectively under the new background of the combination of artificial intelligence and medical imaging.

Key words: Artificial intelligence; Medical imaging; Diagnosis; The efficiency of

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