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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230070 .

Effect of sexual and reproductive health education on reducing unexpected pregnancy rates in adolescent girls

作者: 叶佳, 熊鹰 *

重庆市江津区妇幼保健院 重庆

*通讯作者: 熊鹰,单位:重庆市江津区妇幼保健院 重庆;

引用本文: 叶佳, 熊鹰 性与生殖健康宣教对降低少女意外妊娠率的影响[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (2) : 75-77.
Published: 2023/2/28 19:10:46


目的 探讨性与生殖健康宣教对降低少女意外妊娠率的影响。方法 采用非随机法抽样获取本辖区8个镇街10所中学校(初、高中各5所)及5所职业高校的1500名学生进行调研,2021年9~12月完成问卷调查,宣教人员培训及数据库建设。2022年1-9月由医学专业人员对学生开展青春期性与生殖健康宣教的综合干预,2022年9-12月调查辖区内青少年性与生殖健康知识的了解情况及性行为相关情况;对比宣教前后本辖区的少女意外妊娠率。结果 宣教后少女避孕知识知晓率显著高于宣教前,而意外妊娠率显著低于宣教前(P<0.05)。结论 性与生殖健康宣教可帮助青少年充分掌握青春期性与生殖健康知识,掌握有效避孕方式,可有效降低少女意外妊娠率。

关键词: 性与生殖;健康宣教;少女;意外妊娠率


Objective: To explore the effect of sexual and reproductive health education on reducing the rate of accidental pregnancy in young girls.
Methods: 1500 students from 10 middle schools (5 middle and high schools) were sampled, and the questionnaire survey, mission personnel training and database construction were completed from September to December 2021. Medical professionals shall conduct the comprehensive intervention of adolescent sexual and reproductive health education for students, investigate the knowledge of adolescent sexual and reproductive health, and compare the accidental pregnancy rate of adolescent girls in the area before and after the education.
Results: The awareness rate of contraceptive knowledge among adolescent girls after education was significantly higher than before education, while the incidence of unexpected pregnancies was significantly lower than before education (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Sexual and reproductive health education can help adolescents to fully master the adolescent sexual and reproductive health knowledge, and master the effective contraception method, which can effectively reduce the accidental pregnancy rate of adolescent girls.

Key words: Sex and reproduction; health education; young girls; unintended pregnancy rate

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