International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2023; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijme.20230006 .
总浏览量: 630
杭叉集团股份有限公司 浙江杭州
*通讯作者: 王志杰,单位:杭叉集团股份有限公司 浙江杭州;
An AGV charging scheduling method based on rolling time domain optimization strategy and deep Q learning algorithm was designed. Firstly, under the rolling time domain optimization strategy, the charging state of AGV is determined and the charging load of AGV is controlled. Secondly, the deep Q learning algorithm model of the current state of the AGV system is established to obtain the Q value of the AGV executing corresponding actions. Finally, the power consumption of AGV charging scheduling is calculated to achieve efficient charging scheduling of AGV.Key words: rolling time domain optimization strategy; Deep Q learning algorithm; AGV. Charge scheduling method
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