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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230079 .

The value of humanistic nursing intervention in the nursing of patients with hepatitis B

作者: 曹静 *

太原市第三人民医院 山西太原

*通讯作者: 曹静,单位:太原市第三人民医院 山西太原;

引用本文: 曹静 乙肝患者护理中人性化护理干预的价值[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2023; 5: (2) : 91-93.
Published: 2023/2/28 11:13:19


目的 探讨分析乙肝患者护理中人性化护理干预的价值。方法 研究伊始时间为2020年12月,结束时间为2021年12月,通过电脑程序作用下在该时间段内选择我院接受治疗的乙肝患者80例作为入组成员,区分为了两个群组,分别为对照组统共40例患者使用常规护理,以及观察组统共40例患者使用人性化护理,对患者最终的干预成效进行两个组别之间的比较与分析。结果 心理状况在干预前两个组别之间没有差异(P>0.05),在干预后心理指标分值更高的一个组别为对照组(P<0.05);最终获得的满意度更高的一个组别为观察组(P<0.05)。结论 对于出现乙肝症状的患者而言,对其按照人性化护理模式进行相应的护理干预工作,让患者的心理状态更加稳定,同时患者对于护理工作人员的满意程度更高,是一种值得临床实际推广与使用的方式。

关键词: 乙肝;人性化护理;应用价值


Objective: To explore and analyze the value of humanistic nursing intervention in the nursing of patients with hepatitis B.
Methods: the beginning time of the study was December 2020 and the end time was December 2021. 80 patients with hepatitis B who were treated in our hospital were selected as members of the study group by computer program. They were divided into two groups. A total of 40 patients in the control group were given routine care and 40 patients in the observation group were given humanistic care. The final intervention effects of the patients were compared and analyzed between the two groups.
Results: there was no difference in psychological status between the two groups before the intervention (P > 0.05). The group with higher psychological index score after the intervention was the control group (P < 0.05); The group with higher satisfaction was the observation group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : for the patients with hepatitis B symptoms, the corresponding nursing intervention should be carried out according to the humanized nursing model to make the patients' psychological state more stable and the patients' satisfaction with the nursing staff higher. It is a way worthy of clinical promotion and use.

Key words: Hepatitis B; Humanized nursing; Application value

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