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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230074 .

Study on the application value of total parenteral nutrition in general surgery

作者: 魏凌鑫, 蒲燕, 张茂莲 *

重庆大学附属江津医院 重庆

*通讯作者: 张茂莲,单位:重庆大学附属江津医院 重庆;

引用本文: 魏凌鑫, 蒲燕, 张茂莲 完全胃肠外营养在普外临床中的应用价值研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2023; 5: (2) : 76-78.
Published: 2023/2/28 11:13:14


目的 随着现代医学技术的不断发展,普外手术已成为临床上多种疾病诊治的新技术,极大的提高了疾病的诊治效果,但由于术后患者无法正常进食,易发生营养不良,因此本文探究完全胃肠外营养在普外临床中的应用效果。方法 入组样本选自本院普外科在2021年1月-2022年6月期间行普外手术的210例无法经口进食的患者,根据喂养方式差异将所有患者平均分为常规组和研究组两组,每组患者各105例,对比两组患者感染发生情况、体质量变化情况及营养状况。结果 研究组感染发生率、体质量变化及营养状况方面均好于常规护理组,P<0.05说明存在对比意义。结论 根据普外患者的身体状况及病症特点,配制个性化的营养液,再通过完全胃肠外营养可使普外患者得到充足的能量,维持良好的营养状况,增进患者机体自身的免疫能力,减少术后感染的发生,对患者的康复起到更好的治疗效果。

关键词: 普外;完全胃肠外营养;临床应用;应用价值


Objective: with the continuous development of modern medical technology, general surgery has become a new technology for the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of clinical diseases, which greatly improves the diagnosis and treatment effect of the disease. However, because patients cannot eat normally after surgery, they are prone to malnutrition. Therefore, this paper explores the application effect of total parenteral nutrition in general surgery.
Methods: the enrolled samples were selected from 210 patients who were unable to eat by mouth during the general surgery of our hospital from January 2021 to June 2022. According to the differences in feeding methods, all patients were divided into two groups: the routine group and the study group, with 105 patients in each group. The infection, body mass changes and nutritional status of the two groups were compared.
Results: the incidence of infection, changes in body mass and nutritional status in the study group were better than those in the routine nursing group (P < 0.05), indicating that there was a comparative significance.
Conclusion  : according to the physical condition and disease characteristics of general surgery patients, the preparation of personalized nutrient solution, and then through complete parenteral nutrition, the general surgery patients can get sufficient energy, maintain good nutritional status, improve the immune ability of patients, reduce the occurrence of postoperative infection, and have a better therapeutic effect on the rehabilitation of patients.

Key words: General surgery; Complete parenteral nutrition; Clinical application; Application value

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