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Journal of Modern Life Sciences Research. 2022; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jlsr.20220007 .

Study on the path of sustainable development of life science journalsunder the influence of journal evaluation

作者: 尹娟 *

开放获取期刊研究中心,希尔出版集团 美国

*通讯作者: 尹娟,单位:开放获取期刊研究中心,希尔出版集团 美国;

引用本文: 尹娟 期刊评价影响下生命科学类期刊可持续发展的路径研究[J]. 现代生命科学研究, 2022; 3: (1) : 25-29.
Published: 2022/12/13 16:45:34



关键词: 期刊评价;生命科学类期刊;可持续发展;影响力


Life science journals are the carriers of life science papers, the important media for the dissemination of academic achievements related to life science and technology, and the platform for sharing the current advanced technology achievements. Journal evaluation is to use the relevant knowledge and methods of bibliometrics, synthesize the indexes of life science journals, and get the final evaluation results of journals. Taking Chinese life science journals as the research object, starting from the development status of life science journals under the influence of journal evaluation, and analyzing the impact on their development under the journal evaluation system, life science journals are encouraged to stick to their original intention, give full play to the advantages of life science journals at all levels, and integrate their closely related resources, and to find out the path suitable for the sustainable development of life science journals and truly serve the field of life science and technology.

Key words: Journal evaluation; Life science journal; Sustainable development; Influence

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