International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230053 .
总浏览量: 466
西安医学院第一附属医院护理部 陕西西安
福建省肿瘤医院 福建福州
*通讯作者: 姚宏燕,单位:西安医学院第一附属医院护理部 陕西西安;
目的 调查临床护士工作中的职业防护现状,分析影响因素,提出改进建议。方法 通过西安市7家医院的网络交互平台发放网络调查问卷,使用SPSS17.0软件整理分析数据。结果 调查问卷的满分232分,均分(202.15±18.18)分;职业防护知识部分满分17分,均分(15.04±1.50)分;职业防护态度部分满分100分,均分(90.74±9.67)分;职业防护行为部分满分115分,均分(96.37±13.20)分。职业防护总分、知识、态度、行为部分得分进行百分比转换后,分别为87.13%、88.14%、90.74%、83.80%。对护士职业防护知识的调查研究中,物理性职业防护知识得分率最低:70.64%;职业防护态度的调查研究中,各方面得分平均超过85%;职业防护行为的调查研究中,物理性职业防护行为与心理社会性防护行为得分率较低,分别为74.12%,72.25%;护士职业防护知识与职称(rs=0.209,P=0.000)、最终学历(rs=0.141,P=0.011)存在正相关。结论 临床护士职业防护行为落实不足,对物理性、心理社会性职业防护知识不够重视且对其依从性较差,初级职称、低学历护士职业防护知识培训有待加强。
Objectives The purpose was to understand and find out the occupational protection problems existing in the work of clinical nurses, analyzed the factors affecting the level of occupational protection knowledge of nurses in Xi'an, and put forward suggestions and opinions to improve occupational protection knowledge of nurses in Xi'an. Methods Questionnaires were issued through the network interactive platform of hospitals. The data was analyzed by SPSS software. Results The total of score got 232,with an average score of (202.15±18.18) ; the score of occupational protection knowledge was 17, with an average score of (15.04 ± 1.50); the score of occupational protection attitude was 100, with an average score of (90.74 ± 9.67); and the score of occupational protection behavior was 115, with an average score of (96.37 ±13.20). The average scores of occupational protection, knowledge, attitude and behavior respectively occupied 87.13%, 88.14%, 90.74% and 83.80% In the investigation and study of nurses' occupational protection knowledge, the lowest score of physical occupational protection knowledge occupied 70.64%. In the investigation and study of occupational protection attitude, the average score was more than 85%.In the investigation and study of occupational protection behavior, physical occupational protection behavior and psycho social protection behavior got lower score, which was 74.12% and 72.25%respectively. Use of SPSS 17.0 software got occupational protection knowledge and professional title was rs=0.209,P=0.000, and the score of education background was0.141,P=0.011,which exit positive correlation. Conclusion Clinical nurses have insufficient knowledge of occupational protection and insufficient implementation of protective behavior. Clinical nurses do not pay enough attention to physical occupational protection and have poor compliance with physical occupational protection behavior.
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